![]() I posted an update on Facebook this morning, and I wanted to elaborate a bit more, but only for those who care to read it and engage with it well. Here's the original post: Dear Politicians I will vote today. And I will vote every time I am called upon to do so. I have no party allegiance, I couldn't tell you who my parents and grandparents voted for, and no-one is guaranteed my support. I have made, and will continue to make my decisions based on my understanding of what is presented before me. If you want to win my vote (and I am sure it will also win you the vote of countless others) here are the simple steps you need to follow: 1. Act Justly; 2. Love Mercy; 3. Walk Humbly; 4. Dream big, for everyone; 5. Act with integrity: Hold your hands up when you make mistakes. Sell yourself to me on who you are and what you believe, build yourself and your manifesto up, rather than thinking you have to destroy what others put on the table. Stand for things you can look back on in later years and say "I did good". It sounds a lot to ask in today's political world, but is it really? Could you be the one brave enough to do it and buck the trend? That'd inspire me. That'd inspire others. That'd change things. Thanks And my elaboration... My Facebook feed is saturated with people declaring that they have indeed voted today. Some of them have nailed their colours to the mast, put banners on their profile pictures and proudly taken selfies having worn their appropriately coloured rosettes and t-shirts to the polling station.
"I've done my bit..." declares friend after friend... But I'm left to wonder, have they really? Sure, today they have made a decision and made a mark. Or some will have made several marks to communicate their discontent with all of the proposed candidates. Others have fulfilled the words of Rush by staying away: "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." But is that really us "doing our bit"? Every day I get near enough the same message come up on my phone:
"You have memories with Suzanne Williamson and x others to look back on today" And every day I get the same feeling... Every day I get excited to rack my brain as to what we might have been through together on this day at some point in the last 10 years. I'll be honest, when I click the link and look back through the Facebook posts it's not all as riveting as my mind imagines, but the point is she was there, we were making memories together, and that still excites me. Aside from the obvious fact that she is stunning, and her tolerance levels are greater than anyone I've ever met (except possibly my mother who has my dad to contend with too), there's a choice that we both make every day that says whatever comes our way we choose to love each other, to want to be with each other and to love each other... It's been a while since I wrote my Honours dissertation, and nearly as long since I read it, but from memory, I'm still committed to the baseline principle:
We all watch things, and we all need to be able to understand what we're watching. |
MARCRemarcable is one man blogging about Youth Work, Theology, Family, Life and those other random things that come to mind. Archives
February 2023